Injustice Mobile

Animated Batman Beyond Challenge For Injustice Mobile

Looks like Netherrealm Studios isn’t really ready with a new update for Injustice Mobile and that’s why now a second old challenge returns for a limited time. Lucky for all of us, it is a great one. You now once again have the chance to obtain the gold Animated Batman Beyond card:


The character is inspired by the animated TV series by the same name and will be an amazing addition to your collection if you missed him the first time. In case you haven’t, here is your chance to increase his level.

To beat this challenge you must have Harley Quinn, Bane and Joker in your collection. There are bronze versions of all of them, so this challenge shouldn’t be a problem even for new players who do not have gold versions of every character.

So far the challenge has been available on the following dates:

  • June 4th, 2016 – June 6th, 2016
  • Initial Challenge: ???

2 thoughts on “Animated Batman Beyond Challenge For Injustice Mobile

  • Can I get a free batman beyond because when I finished the whole challenge it said there was no internet so the next day I connected the challenge was finished and I got nothing.

    • This is a question for the official Warner Bros support, please try to contact them as we here cannot help you in this case.


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