Current And Next Challenges – Injustice Mobile
Looking for Injustice 2 Mobile Challenges? You can find them here.
Injustice Mobile offers three types of challenges for winning different rewards, including gold characters, gear cards and gear sets.
Single Player Challenges
The single player challenge is the very first challenge for the game. It has 3 difficulty stages, each consisting of 5 battles with 12 to 15 fights. When available the challenge usually remains active for about 20 days. By beating it you can gain access of up to 3 gold cards of the current fighter and their gear card.
These challenges are not repeated and missed characters must be obtain through the store and the several booster packs. There are however cases in which a challenge might be repeated several times.
Multiplayer Challenges
The multiplayer challenges let you compete with other players in an online game in which you will combat the teams of other Injustice Mobile players. You will usually earn a top reward by being either in the top 5% or in the top 3% of all online players depending on the challenge. Each online season has a different challenge and a new season starts each Wednesday. Challenges are usually repeated many times and can be:
- Gold Characters: Cassandra Cain Batgirl, Ares, Reverse Flash, Metahuman Flash, Blackest Night Doomsday, Suicide Squad The Joker Unhinged, Rebirth Wally West The Flash.
- Gear Cards: Batmobile, Gauntlets, Cloak, Riddler’s Cane, Egyptian Artifact, Alien Artifact/Motherbox, Ancient Katana/Soultaker Sword, Scarecrow’s Mask, …
- Rear Gear Cards
Survivor Mode Challenges
The Survivor Mode Challenges are the newest kind. Through these challenges you have the chance to obtain gear cards which are part of a set. These gear cards get stronger and stronger with each additional set part that you have equipped. You obtain these cards by playing Jocker’s Laugh game at the end of Survivor Mode. The challenge rewards usually rotate:
- Fourth World Gear Set
- LexCorp Gear Set
- League of Assassins Gear Set
- Companion Card: Diablo, Enchantress, Killer Croc
Currently Available Challenges
Here is a list of the currently available and the currently known upcoming Injustice Mobile challenges:
Single-Player Challenge
Multiplayer Challenge
Survivor Mode Challenge
Next/Upcoming Challenges
Single-player Challenge
Gaslight Batman
Blackest Night Hawkgirl
- October 25th, 2018 – November 1st, 2018
Multiplayer Challenge
- Killer Croc’s Sharpened Teeth
Astro Force
- May 16th, 2017 – May 23rd, 2017

Suicide Squad The Joker Unhinged

Legendary Egyptian Artifact Gear

Alien Artifact (Mother Box) Gear

Blackest Night Superman
- October 24th, 2018 – October 31st, 2018
- March 15th, 2017 – March 22nd, 2017
Survivor Mode Challenge
Have suggestions for this page, let us know in the comments below.
Make a challenge for dawn of justice Batman
Who knows this might actually happen. Or they might reactivate the dawn of justice booster pack again.
it would be better if the reverse flash could be top 5% because then people will progress better in the game.
Please just tell me,
Is The Suicide squad Characters ALL are coming back again in single challenge???
Because I missed DeadShot MY FAVORITE CHARACTER
Please reply
We don’t really know. What I can tell you is that if, it won’t be all of them at once in one challenge. Or do you mean single player challenge?
What is the next single player challenge. Can it please be apokalps darkseid?
I mean single player challenge like the first time they came,I mean DeadShot single challenge then Harley Quinn single challenge then joker single challenge, that’s what I mean.
Are they coming?? Please reply
I don’t know. Netherrealm has been repeating some very requested characters lately, so it’s a possibility.
Suicide squad deadshot, is my favorite character too….. But unfortunately, I missed the challenge…
Challenges are usually repeated. Unfortunately I don’t know when.
I really want that too, hope it will happen soon.
Then good luck spending 8 hours and 15m credits to get DoJ Batman.
Yes ever since Superman VsBatman movie came out last year they have Not have a challenge for Dawn of Justice BATMAN it’s about time
With several new movies in the pipeline, there is a good chance.
I heard they going to make “Hollywood” Booster pack, have no doubts there will be SS, BvS characters.
When is the cloak of destiny (gear) coming back i want it so badly
It hasn’t been available for a while, so may be soon.
Really want Red Lantern Hal to come again, I missed on the challenge and he is my favourite superhero
No only Hall Jordan … please ADD ANOTHER RED LANTERNS!!! 🙂
ATROCITUS :)) pleeeeaseeeee
(Not only in Injustice 2, but please in Injustice 1)
They might in the context of injustice 2.keep in mind there is still no word on whether they are keeping the mobile version of replacing it .
In so excited 4 antimatter snestro
Is there going to be a replay of meta human flash and reverse flash on single player challenge?
There never were single player challenges for both characters. As far as I know, there are no plans to change that unfortunately.
Please please please bring back the Arkham Pack! i really really really want Arkham Knight Harley Quinn, Arkham Knight Catwomen, Arkham Knight and Arkham Knight Batman!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Thx
Does any one knows how to unlock Battle 8 it does not want to unlock
I want BNMM challenge again. Previously it lasts once in game just for 2 days…
The challenge was already available twice. I doubt Netherrealm Studios is going to repeat it soon.
Can u please do another dawn of justice batman challenge I missed him and really wanted him I have the other two just asking if you will do him again thx
From what I know there haven’t been any challange for doj batman,(or am I wrong). But I’m hoping it will come one soon.
It’s not really up to us as we are just a fan site, but we would love for the challenge to appear.
They need to introduce a new gold skin for Nightwing, preferably an ‘Arkham’ Nightwing or ‘Arkham Knight’ Nightwing. Additionally, a better passive and improved basic attacks and heavy attacks should also come with it, not to forget better base stats. I WANT A NEW NIGHTWING!!
Please repeat SUICIDE SQUAD DEADSHOT CHARACTER CHALLENGE MODE for noobs like me thanks! 🙂
A lot of people would love for the challenge to return. However it was already available twice. So, I don’t think we will see it again soon but who knows.
Abby idea what the next mp challenge is?
It could be Blackest Night Doomsday. Based on the latest glitch in the multiplayer challenge.
Im waiting for the next the arkahm knight challenge
I know there is reverse flash but there should be a challenge for zoom to
Given the popularity of the character, who knows.
And a challange for the savitar from the flash series. Hes so awsome
He is not a character in the game yet.
I feek there should add a beast boy challenge, cuz that would be awesome.
Can you guys bring back INJUSTICE 2 Superman.. People love that character.
Can there please be a dark knight movie joker already!!
Yeah! Why haven’t they done him yet?!
The dark knight joker is my favorite joker . I really wish there was a character card for him.
And scarecrow would be awesome to see
I was pretty mAd about Wally west being online. I was hoping to get him but it’s impossible becouse there are so many hackers.
Please do Arkham knight Harley Quinn or Rebirth Raven for the next challenge. Also please make a Dark Knight Movie Joker Character card .
Are either of the SS Jokers going to be in any packs like the Challenge pack?
Nothing has been announced at this point.
Should enable an online market for axchanging characters with other players
i would really enjoy a challenge for the justice league wonder woman… hope it’ll happen soon
What about injustice 2 superman
Please can you do the arkham guys? (Like Jason as the Arkham knight or Harley) They were awesome!
Please suicide squad challenge again I Miss all of them
This needs to be updated!!
Make injustice 2 batman
What about Wally west?! I want him so badly, but they’ve only done one challenge for him! For reverse flash, they had him like 100000 times after he was announced!
I know right?! He looked so cool, and I see him all the time in survivor mode! PLEASE BRING WWF BACK! (Wally West Flash, not actually WWF)
Yellow Lantern Nightwing should be a thing. Along with Zeus or Ras Al’ Gul
Can you bring back red lantern Hal Jordan challenge??
Can you bring static challenges pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!
Would there be any chance of a Batman Arkham Knight challenge?
Don’t really know
When are they releasing flashpoint batman again?
They need to bring the arkham origins deathstroke challenge back its like my favorite card in the game and I missed him now the only way I see him is playing arkham origins and by chance in injustice
Please Add Dawn of justice Batman booster pack and just do something for Dark knight Joker !! Best joker ever …
hi injustice build fools Add Dawn of justice Batman booster pack and just do something for Dark knight Joker
Only ones I need is Ares , deadshot , dawn of justice batman and wonderwoman & wallywest
Need red hood arkham.. Looking awsme..
Can you please bring back the ark ham knight batman challenge? It’s my favorite card. I am a regular injustice player and would like his single player challenge to come back
Please bring suicide squad DEADSHOT challenge
Suicide squad dead shot please
i Need challenge of suicide squad Dead Shot and Joker and harliey queen
We need red lantern hal thx
Suicide squad dead shot
Can you repeat
Catwoman Anni-Marie
Metahuman Flash
Jessica Cruz
Unhinged Joker
Ever since the new update for Injustice GAU mobile I dont have access to the new challenges such as Klassic Scorpion, Earth2 Flash and now the new Hawkgirl is coming up as well. I have contacted the support and sent numerous emails but no one is resolving this matter. I am missing out in the new challenges
Similar thing hearkened for me in Mortal Kombat X. Hope they can resolve the issue , it is really frustrating after so much time has been invested in the game.
Suicide squad dead shot.I love this character
Character tip: White Lantern Kyle Rayner
Please, he is my favorite lantern !
Can you bring back injustice 2 superman I missed the challenge and I really want him
Is there any chance that “Arkham knight the Arkham knight” returns to challenge mode? If yes when do you think he’ll return?
There is always a chance. Netherrealm Studios does not update the game this often any more. So repeating old challenges is common these days.
And when will Arkham knight booster pack return?
Can you please suggest when reverse flash and meta human flash would come? I want them so badly but never got the chance. Please tell us which character would be available in the challenge next to that of Arkham knight Harley Quinn because I want to plan for it.
We don’t really know. Netherrealm does not communicate their plans.
If you could tell me who is the next challenge please?
Pls bring meta human flash back as a money pack. Or a single player challenge, not multiplayer.
They can’t they are just a fandom website bro. Plus he is supposed to be exclusive material you have to earn it by grinding
Hi! I’m new here by the way loved your work but can you guys please update the website it is having bit issue on this page and also on METAHUMAN THE FLASH. Please ask your website designer to make website responsive else I am willing to do the work .
What problems are you having. I will be happy to fix them.
The TV series Gotham. Can u add in some of the characters of that show into Injustice please? I reckon that’d be pretty cool, and it’d be different and new. . I would like Catwoman, Tigress/Tabitha, and Firefly or Mr Freeze. Or the Payton List Poison Ivy. Please please please consider this. I would be eternally grateful. And I’m sure the rest of those Gotham fans out there would be happy as well. . Thank you .
That would be interesting, indeed. Unfortunately, with Gotham ending I see little chance of that happening.
ever since the new update my nth metal joker can’t be promoted can you please tell me what is happening