Injustice 2 Mobile Version 2.8: Shazam, Classic Batman, Darkseid, All Details

Injustice 2 Mobile version 2.8 is just around the corner. So far the update has only caused problems for both players and developer Netherrealm Studios as an accidental release of the update caused massive problems for all Android users. With the correct update just around the corner, lets have a look at the available information about the update.
Version 2.8 of Injustice 2 Mobile is meant as a promotion for the upcoming Shazam movie

Shazam joins Injustice 2 Mobile as a playable character. He will be available as an arena challenge and add massive increase to different character stats for his team mates.
Classic Batman
Classic Batman is the second classic, comic book looking character of the game, with Classic Superman being the first. He is a playable character in Injustice 2 Mobile and will arrive in the form of an Arena Challenger.

Darkseid was a very powerful character in the beginning of Injustice Mobile and now he joins the roster of Injustice 2 Mobile. Currently it is not known, how you will be able to unlock him

New Raid Rewards
In addition, this update brings new gear as reward from Braniac Raids. The new gear includes all 5 gear pieces for Silver Banshee, Blue Beetle, Cheetah, Grid, Nightwing, Firestorm, and Armored Superman.
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